So it was a casual TvT by the site of BeBeR.
I was in blue team with another archer, and also a warcrier with A-Grades named "Sagapw" or something like this.
From the 1st second I knew what was going on with this orc.
Greek n00bs (not all of Greeks are noobs, i m talking just for the ones who are), when in TvT, they also subscribe their buffer, so they will be able to get buffs during the event.
How stupid is this?? I mean, its supposed to be a self buff TvT!!!
Anyway the orc belongs to a Dark Elf archer named "DarkAngelII" i think, who was in team orange, and had buffed his whole team, with his "blue-team" orc.
In the end orange team won (wonder why).
I dont care I lost by some cheaters, (well I do but not that much), I just want the GM's opinion, just to know if this is against the rules. Or else, everyone should have its own buffer in the event.
If its not legal, i would appreciate if the GM's would take a look for these occasions in TvTs, and give a ban to those bot-buffers.
PS: The most annoying thing was that orange team guys kept telling me: "read the rulls" and "its not againsts them" and "we own" and -_- like that..
PS2 (lol) : It actually was MaryClaire (she should know that actually its "MarieClaire" but anyway) from orange team who was saying these, and also she kept saying that she knows Vault , and I ll get banned when he s in.
I leave it to GM's opinion, and if he thinks that i should get banned after all this these cheating nabs did, then its fine by me.